Todd County Central High School Alumni Spotlight: Allison Waggoner

Allison Joy Seay Waggoner is a 1989 graduate of Todd County Central High School.

She values most from her time in school the education and opportunities she received there. She has fond memories of getting to know the teachers and diverse community of Todd Central, especially guidance counselor Ms. Thomas. Waggoner says she talked to her a great deal and she was always a huge help to her.

To current Todd Central students, she says high school is hard, but no matter what they are going through, whether it’s peer pressure, bullying, friends dismissing their feelings, trying to fit in, or being alone, God is there for them. She shares three bible verses for students:

1 Peter 5:7 “Give all your burdens, worries, anxieties to Him for He cares for you.”

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.”

She says God loves the students and is their friend, so to talk to Him. She adds not to be ashamed or feel like they have strayed too far from God because they haven’t He is waiting to hear from them and loves them more than anyone. She says they are never alone and God will never leave nor forsake them.

To current educators, she says to love their students, even the most difficult ones. She adds not to give up on them, but to treat them all the same and every now and then, give them some advice about life because students need teachers.

After graduating, Waggoner attended Western Kentucky University and earned bachelor’s degrees in psychology, consumer and family sciences, and biology. Since then, she spreads the Word of God to as many people as she is able to and encourages others through God’s Word.

Waggoner and her husband Paul have two children, Grace and Noah.

Spotlights on Todd Central alumni are part of a partnership between WEKT and the TCCHS Alumni Foundation, Inc. To be featured, please visit the Alumni Foundation’s website to fill out the application.

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