Todd County Central High School Alumni Spotlight: Quinton Lyton

Quinton Dale Lyton is a 1978 graduate of Todd County Central High School.

After graduating, he briefly attended Western Kentucky University and Bowling Green Business School before earning certificates in print journalism, broadcast journalism and photography from the Defense Information School at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis, Indiana. Lyton spent 20 years as a broadcast journalist in the U.S. Navy.

Lyton values most from Todd Central the lasting friendships made with both students and teachers. He has fond memories of winning the very first trophy for the newly-formed Drama Club in its first competition and being the drum major in marching band. He says he will always treasure the memory of the marching band’s phenomenal “Soul Train” homecoming halftime show.

To current students, Lyton says things can be taken from them, but an education is theirs to keep. He adds to have fun, but make time for learning because their future will thank them for it.

To current educators, he says they have a very tough and sometimes stressful and thankless job, but to remember why they wanted to become an educator. The students they help to succeed will be grateful for the time, effort and encouragement they gave them.

Lyton was born in Elkton and now lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

Spotlights on Todd Central alumni are part of a partnership between WEKT and the TCCHS Alumni Foundation, Inc. To be featured, please visit the Alumni Foundation’s website to fill out the application.

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