Eric Todd Harris is a 1991 graduate of Todd County Central High School.
After graduating, he attended Western Kentucky University and the University of Kentucky to earn a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He is currently a civil engineer for McGhee Engineering in Guthrie.
Harris values most from his time in high school the fact that Todd Central was a small school where everyone knew everyone. He says students did not just interact with the teachers at school, but they also saw them involved in the community. He adds he treasures the memory of all sporting events, regardless of whether they were wins or losses.
To current students, Harris says to take school seriously. To current educators, he says not to give up on anyone because every kid has something that they can contribute to society.
Harris was born in Hopkinsville and now lives in Sharon Grove. He is married to Jennifer Harris and has three children, Emma, Leah and Brett.
Spotlights on Todd Central alumni are part of a partnership between WEKT and the TCCHS Alumni Foundation, Inc. To be featured, please visit the Alumni Foundation’s website to fill out the application.