Trenton will not host a Christmas parade this year, but city commissioners have decided there will be no lack of Christmas spirit in the city.
In a regularly scheduled meeting Monday evening, Trenton City Commissioners voted to organize a residential Christmas Lights and Decoration competition in conjunction with the city’s annual benefit Chili Supper.
Residents within the city are encouraged to decorate their homes and property with lights. Judging will take place in mid-December and winners will be announced at the chili supper on December 16. Cash prizes will be awarded.
Those residents wishing to participate in the contest must stop by City Hall or call City Clerk Carol Chester at (270) 466-3332.
Planning for the chili supper is in its early stages but in addition to chili and hot chocolate, Santa Claus will make an appearance for visits and photos with the children.
Proceeds from the event will be split between the Trenton Community Center Foundation and the Trenton Edgewood Cemetery Fund.
In other news, the Trenton Police Department will soon have a new vehicle and a K-9. Police Chief Henry Hamlet is slated to pick up both the new Dodge Durango and the dog next week.
The dual-purpose patrol canine named Boone is half German Shepherd and half Malinois.
Chief Hamlet and Boone will have a few months of training before Boone is ready for full duty.
City Clerk Chester told commissioners that the transition to a new phone and internet service in City Hall will soon be complete. The new ViOP telephone and fiber internet services provided by Hopkinsville Electric System will provide significant cost savings for the city.
The city commissioners voted to appoint resident Jane Bailey to the City/County Joint Planning Commission. Bailey, a current member of Trenton’s Planning and Zoning Committee, will represent Trenton in a review of the county’s comprehensive plan.
Commissioners also voted to temporarily suspend the sale of 11 burial plots in the Edgewood Cemetery over concerns that stones have been hit by vehicles.
The affected lots are situated on the corners of the cemetery’s newest addition.
Story written by Amy Chester