TCCHS Alumni Foundation Helps Celebrate Past, Present and Future of School

The Todd County Central High School Alumni Foundation, Inc. celebrates the past, present and future of the school to provide scholarships to Todd Central seniors.

Treasurer Joyce Darby says the foundation has been able to provide many scholarships thanks to the generosity of Todd County.

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As well as traditional college scholarships, the foundation now also includes technical and trade school programs. Darby says the organization wants to create more scholarship opportunities to show seniors that Todd County loves them.

She adds the Alumni Foundation currently offers a newsletter on its website.

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With WEKT’s current partnership with the foundation, the first 60 years of Todd Central will be celebrated through alumni spotlights. A registration form to be featured can be found on the Alumni Foundation’s website.

Stories of alumni will be featured on WEKT 1070 AM, and the WEKT app.

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