WEKT Partners With TCCHS Alumni Foundation To Feature Former Students

WEKT and the TCCHS Alumni Foundation have partnered to spotlight the school’s former students.

Many students have walked through Todd Central’s halls throughout the past 60 years, including 1974 graduate Libby Sims Lancaster. After graduating high school, she attended Christian County Area Vocational School and Hopkinsville Community College. For over three decades, she has served as a Certified Water Treatment Plant Operator/Water Quality Specialist for Hopkinsville Water Environment.

“I value the solid grounding in all areas I received from those four years at TCCHS,” Lancaster says, “Even without a college degree, I was able to function in a technically demanding field.”

She encourages current students to take the harder courses in school and “stretch yourself”. She adds it’s important to teach kids to think outside the box and think critically.

A memory she treasures the most from her time at Todd Central is singing Handel’s Messiah in George Mills’ class. She says she can still sing the Hallelujah chorus almost by heart.

Through the partnership with the Alumni Foundation, WEKT plans to share the unique stories of former students. To be featured, fill out the Alumni Foundation’s form HERE. Answers can also be sent to tcchsaa@gmail.com.

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