2023 Wheat Yield Contest Winners


University of Kentucky announced its 2023 Wheat Yield Contest winners. There were two divisions, tillage and no-tillage and four areas that split up the state.

Winner of Area One is Todd County’s Double P Farms. They had a total yield of 131.19 bu/acre. Area Two’s winner went to Henderson County’s Ab Cates, Cates Farm, LLC where their yield totaled 130.18 bu/acre. The winner of Area Three is Corn Silk Farm in Logan County with a yield of 130.11 bu/acre. Finally, Clint Quarles from Scott County is the Area Four winner. He had a total yield of 126.82. 

The overall 2023 Kentucky winner in no-tillage went to Jason Crisp in Mclean County. The total yield was 143.42 bu/acre. The 2023 Kentucky winners in tillage are Camron, Clay, and Mark Wells from Union County. They had a yield of 139.64 bu/acre.

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