Facebook Campaign Pushes The “Joey” Golf Scramble Past Its Goal


The 2023 goal has been met and surpassed for The “Joey” D. Wells Memorial Golf Scramble taking place Saturday.

Todd County Judge Executive Todd Mansfield told Your WEKT News Edge, as of Thursday afternoon, they have raised over $12,000 in donations from Facebook pledges.

Mansfield added a heartfelt thank you comes from those organizing the event.

Mansfield called Wells a great friend of Todd County, one who is missed terribly.

The golf scramble will start at 1:00 PM Saturday at the Elk Fork Country Club, with lunch and an auction to begin around Noon. Proceeds will benefit a scholarship fund for athletic students graduating from Todd County Central High School.

If you would like to donate to the scramble or Facebook pledge, reach out to Mansfield on Facebook or by phone, at (270) 604-0246.

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