City of Elkton Moving Forward With Facelift to City Hall

The City of Elkton is moving forward with its facelift of the exterior of city hall and the police department on the city’s square.

At Thursday’s council meeting, Mayor Arthur Green showed councilmen an artist’s rendition of the project, which is designed to make the exterior of the buildings the same color, give city hall a new 40-inch wide door and new windows. Green and Councilman Michael Case further pinned down details of the project.

click to download audioThe plans also call for a roof over the sidewalk of both buildings.

Green said several people are involved with the project’s beginnings.

click to download audioOnce the design was looked at, the conversation turned to how to arrive at the cost of the project. One way is taking bids for the entire project while another option is the bid out the project piecemeal. Case said he would like to know the total projected cost before starting.

click to download audioHe said it comes down to being prudent with taxpayer money.

click to download audioCouncil agreed to accept bids on the project to get an idea of the cost. Last month, nearly $100,000 was budgeted, coming from ARPA funds that will also include new furniture and security improvements to city hall.

City Hall has been on the court square for over 50 years and at one time, doubled as the Elkton Fire Department.

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