Comer Celebrates Agriculture Day In Christian County

Congressman James Comer discussed passing the farm bill, the H2A worker program, tariffs, and other issues as he celebrated National Agriculture Day during the Christian County Salute to Agriculture breakfast.

Congressman Comer said it is important to celebrate the impact of agriculture in one of the top agriculture counties in the state of Kentucky.

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Comer says although passing the farm bill will be difficult, the legislation is vital for farmers and agriculture.

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The Congressman adds some members of Congress want to privatize crop insurance, but that is not practical.

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Congressman Comer assured farmers the Farm Bill will continue to be a priority.

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He noted that the H2A worker program is also a priority.

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Congressman Comer says he and other members of Congress are continuing to monitor the impact of tariff's on agriculture and will provide support for farmers if they are significantly impacted by the tariffs.

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Congressman Comer also answered questions about Medicare and social security and reduction of government spending by the president's administration.

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