Todd County Extension Has Big Plans For New Arena

Todd County Extension’s new horse and livestock arena is up and 4-H Extension Agent Lee Ann McCuiston has some big plans for the site.

Apart from some final touches, the arena is now up on all four sides. Measuring 150 feet wide by 230 feet long, it’s just an outdoor arena at the moment, but McCuiston is hoping to acquire some grants to add more onto the existing structure in the future.

McCuiston says the plan for the arena is to be a space for the 4-H Horse Club, livestock shows and potentially cattle shows in the future. Also, McCuiston is considering the possibility for organizations to rent out the arena to host shows, clinics and rodeos.

She adds she would also love to be able to offer community ride nights.

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Through the Horsemen’s Association, when established, McCuiston hopes to be able to offer some liability coverage to members.

The arena is still a work in progress but McCuiston says she is hoping to get everything done and have the arena ready for the public by April 1.


Photo from Lee Ann McCuiston

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