2025 4-H farm calendars are now available to the public.
Calendars can be purchased for $10 at the Todd County Extension Office or purchased with a donation to the “Ag Tag” fund.
As Kentucky motorists buy or renew their farm license plates at the County Clerk’s office this year, they may choose to make a voluntary $10 contribution to the “Ag Tag” program, which is divided equally among the state’s 4-H, FFA and Department of Agriculture. Everyone who donates to the program will receive a 4-H farm calendar.
In 2024, Todd County 4-H received over $1,200 from voluntary “Ag Tag” donations, almost double what the organization raised the year before.
4-H Extension Agent Lee Ann McCuiston says the calendars are a way to celebrate the county’s 4-H farm families and raise money for the group’s travel costs. She adds there are some brand new farm families featured in this year’s calendar and invites the community to check out the calendars and support 4-H.