Elkton residents could have one more place to shop, just in time for Christmas, if all goes according to a plan presented to the Elkton Planning and Zoning Commission.
In a special called meeting Tuesday evening, the Commission voted to recommend the rezoning of a two-acre tract at 821 South Main Street from multi-family residential to neighborhood commercial.
The land, currently owned by Howard and Jean Haley, LLC will be the site of a new 10,640 square feet Dollar General Mini Market. The store will be constructed on 1.49 acres of the two-acre tract, directly across the street from the high school football field. The store will not replace the existing Dollar General on West Main Street.
The commission also voted to approve the project’s development plan presented by Project Engineer William McDonald of Paul Primavera and Associates.
McDonald told commissioners that the new Mini Market will be slightly larger than the 9,100 square feet store on West Main Street and is part of a new company concept.
The commission’s rezoning recommendation must be approved by the Elkton City Council which meets July 11.