Elkton City Council Approves City Audit

At its regularly scheduled meeting Thursday evening, Elkton City Council approved the city’s 2023-2024 financial audit, recognizing the city’s clean bill of financial health.

The annual audit, completed by Tichenor and Associates out of Louisville, revealed no findings or irregularities in the city’s budget or financial transactions.

Auditor Damien Davis presented key findings of the audit to the council via phone.

Elkton Mayor Arthur Green recognized Assistant City Clerk Tammy Miller for her five years of service to the city.

In other news, the council approved the 1st reading of an ordinance that will give city officials financial incentives to complete training related to city government.

The incentive program will provide $300 to each elected official, city clerk, or assistant city clerk for each training he or she completes, with a maximum of 4 trainings per year.

The elective training can be either online or in person and any training expenses will be paid for by the city.

One of the city’s newest council members, Emily Carroll has attended several recent trainings.

The council will hear a second reading of the ordinance at the next council meeting on April 10.

The council also approved the cemetery maintenance contract. The $45,500 contract was awarded to Griffin Mowing of Elkton.

The city’s annual spring cleanup has been set for April 14 and 15.

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