Todd County Farm Family Ag Expo Set For Thursday

Vital safety information, free breakfast, and various door prizes will be included at the Todd County Farm Family Ag Expo Thursday at the Todd County Extension office.

Todd County Agriculture Extension Agent Traci Johnson partnered with Todd County FFA and 4-H to organize the event.

click to download audioFFA Advisor Shayla Berry says the idea started with a grant opportunity from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

click to download audioBerry says two of her FFA members took the project and ran with it.

click to download audioNathan Phelps says vital safety information and breakfast will be part of the event Thursday morning.

click to download audioJohnson says there will be a variety of safety stations as a part of the day.

click to download audioPhelps says there will be several items given away Thursday.

click to download audioHis hope is farmers get a clear message during the event.

click to download audioThe Todd County Farm Family Ag Expo at 8:00, with omelet stations, safety talks, and other activities getting underway at 8:30 and continuing until 10:30 at the Todd County Extension Office on Pond River Road in Elkton.


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