New Todd County Chamber Of Commerce President Begins Term

Jen Harris officially took over as Todd County’s 2025 Chamber of Commerce president earlier this month.

Harris has been with the chamber since its inception in 2018, but this is not quite a new role for her. Harris was the chamber’s president in 2020 during the start of COVID-19 – while simultaneously serving as the director of Todd County’s Health Department. She says she’s happy to begin a new term as president without COVID around.

Harris says she feels like the chamber has made leaps and bounds in the past few years and she’s excited to see what the group can do.

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Harris also owns Hip Harvest on Elkton’s square. Community involvement comes with the job of small business owner and health department director, but luckily, it has always come naturally to Harris, who says she’s always possessed a community involvement spirit.

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Tourism is something the chamber has chosen to focus on this year, Harris shares. She says they plan to take a bigger role in tourism, taking over and resurrecting the old tourism council to bring more people into Todd County. She also wants to get more small businesses involved with the chamber this year.

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The Todd County Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to a great year with Harris at its helm.

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