Community Concerned About Possible Sale Or Merger Of Jennie Stuart Health

Community members are expressing concern about allegations circulating about the possible sale or merger of Jennie Stuart Health with Deaconess Health.

The Jennie Stuart Board of Directors is scheduled to meet Thursday at noon in the board room at the hospital for their regular monthly meeting. Board members contacted by Your News Edge say they have signed a non-disclosure agreement and cannot discuss or answer questions concerning a possible sale or merger.

The Jennie Stuart Board of Directors meeting is closed to the public because the hospital does not receive tax dollars to fund or supplement the operation of the medical facility.

Although board members who spoke with Your News Edge could not comment or discuss a possible sale or merger, they did indicate Jennie Stuart Health is continuing to deal with issues similar to other rural hospitals across the country who are trying to maintain their operation while dealing with Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements and private insurance reimbursements that are significantly lower than the amount the hospital is billing for the services.

The News Edge has learned that when allegations about a possible sale or merger began to circulate during the past 24 to 28 hours, members of the board of directors have received numerous phone calls and other feedback from community members expressing their concern and opposition.

The Jennie Stuart Health Board of Directors is chaired by Leslie Carroll. The hospital is under the direction of President and CEO Eric Lee.


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