New Elkton Rotary President Wants Interact Club At TCCHS


As of July 1st, Tony Prim has taken over as President of the Elkton Rotary Club.

Prim’s term will last one year and he has some goals for the local civic organization; increasing membership, inviting more guests to attend the weekly meetings, and starting an Interact Club at Todd County Central High School.

Prim added Interact clubs help students in high school understand the importance of giving back to their community.

Prim’s term as President follows Glenn Slack’s fulfillment of the role. Slack oversaw the club during its first Firecracker 5K, which took place last summer, and raised around $3,000 to provide 100 pairs of new shoes for Todd County students.

Additionally, Slack’s term saw a record amount raised during the club’s week-long Rotary auction, bringing in over $30,000. The club also won four awards during the recent District 6710 conference; Best New Youth Service Project (Shoes for Needy Kids), Public Image Impact, Overall Youth Service, and Best New Fundraising Project/Event (The Bryan Blount III Memorial Century Club).

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