Todd County Emergency Management Director Daniel Smith learned this week that the county will receive a new storm siren thanks to a grant.
Smith shared they are getting a grant from the Special Project fund from Kentucky Emergency Management. The grant will cover half the cost of an outdoor warning siren to be installed at North Todd Elementary School. The siren is estimated to cost $18,370 with that amount shared between Kentucky Emergency Management and Todd County.
Smith said this will be the sixth storm siren – the first in the northern portion of the county. He told magistrates at the last fiscal court meeting that plans are underway to add additional sirens across the county.
The plan, which could cost up to $200,000, involves installing up to eight self-sustaining sirens that do not require connection to the power grid. Additionally, the plan could include purchasing weather radios to distribute to residents who are not close to a storm siren.
The North Todd Elementary storm siren has a completion date of September 30, 2024, while Smith hopes the others will be installed before spring.