Trenton City Commission approved the 2024-25 budget during Monday night’s meeting.
The $681,305 budget was approved, including $244,130 in general fund revenues and $246,130 in expenditures. The budget also includes $427,275 in additional funding for the water and sewer department.
Mayor Martha Jo Ray and City Clerk Carol Chester said the budget is fully approved following publication.
The commission also approved an ordinance allowing Mayor Ray to sign all documents necessary to secure $1,250,000 in funding from Kentucky’s Community Development Block Grant program. Last month, Governor Andy Beshear announced the funding would help replace over 45,000 feet of waterlines, improving service to 372 homes.
Benn Stahl, Utilities Manager for the city, said that additional funding may be available for the project. Stahl is working with Pennyrile Area Development District’s Amy Frogue to explore those options.
The commission also approved the 2024-25 municipal road aid cooperative program agreement, which stated that the city is set to receive approximately $7,100 in funds to help improve roads in the city limits.
Additionally, the commission heard from resident Chad Holder concerning the handicapped parking spot in front of his residence.
Holder, who has lived in the city limits for over 20 years, said the spot was turned into a normal parking spot after his concerns were raised. When U.S. 41/South Main Street was last repaved, the spot returned. Holder said he wasn’t sure why it returned.
The commission took no action but promised to look into the action they took that changed it and make a possible decision by the next meeting on Monday night, July 8th, at 6:00.