400 Mile Sale A Success In Todd County

In an inspiring display of community spirit and commerce, residents all throughout Kentucky participated in what can only be described as a summer yard sale extravaganza.

The 400-mile yard sale, also known as the Highway 68 yard sale, has been an annual tradition since 2004. Originally established by Debbie Spencer, this event has been beloved by residents for many years and this most recent one was no different.

This past weekend, Todd County was one of the many participating areas of the annual 400-mile yard sale, and I think I speak for everyone when I say it was a success! Seeing a community as closely knit as ours come together for this event was a lovely experience and I’m almost certain anyone lucky enough to be involved would say the same.

Just this Saturday, I ventured throughout my area to show my support for our community, and some of the things I bought really were a steal! From Guthrie to Trenton, my family and I were able to chat with and buy some amazing things from our very own neighbors, and have a ton of fun while doing so. People living near Elkton Square were selling goods that were hard not to want, and I myself indulged a bit more than my bank account would have liked. It was no conventional store, but lines were still long and deals were still good.

If you somehow missed out on the event this year I strongly encourage you to check it out next June. Being able to support your community while having a good time, and enjoying good deals, is truly something else and I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world!

Story and photos by Jocelyn Webb


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