Todd County Central High School Alumni Spotlight: Elizabeth Knight

Elizabeth Brooke Knight is a 2020 graduate of Todd County Central High School.

She values most from her time in high school her teachers and the way they poured into the students to become educated and successful people. She adds she also greatly values the two years she was able to spend being a student aide in the school’s special education classes as well as being able to go to trade school in Logan County to receive her CNA license.

Knight has good and bad memories from Todd Central. She fondly remembers Mrs. Kaylee Belanger getting proposed to in the middle of the football field and treasures the memory of Coach Keith’s lessons to students about finding a good career and never settling for anything less than what they want, even if that means leaving Todd County. However, she looks back on how she and her fellow Class of 2020 classmates didn’t get to receive a senior prom or a real graduation.

She advises current Todd Central students not to compare themselves to anybody else, because they are truly worthy in their own way. She adds they should have fun and get out of their comfort zone — high school is the time to make mistakes and learn.

To current educators, Knight says to continue pouring into students. She says she realizes it can seem at times that students don’t appreciate teachers, but looking back, she appreciates each and every educator she had at Todd Central and is thankful for their continued support into her adulthood.

After graduating, Knight attended Hopkinsville Community College for an associate’s degree in nursing, then Capella University for her bachelor’s in nursing. She says the medical classes Todd Central had in the annex as well as being able to take CNA and phlebotomy classes at Logan County helped her become a nurse at 21. Knight adds without Mrs. Marshall, she probably wouldn’t be a nurse — she pushed her into believing she was set out to take care of people in some capacity.

Knight was born in Elkton and still lives there today.

Spotlights on Todd Central alumni are part of a partnership between WEKT and the TCCHS Alumni Foundation, Inc. To be featured, please visit the Alumni Foundation’s website to fill out the application.

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