The Todd County LEADS project is looking for community members to serve on its board to help launch the program.
LEADS, which stands for Local Emergency Assistance and Disaster Services, is the brainchild of Emergency Management Director Daniel Smith. The idea came after the December 9th EF-3 tornado that tracked through southern portions of the county when community members wanted to give monetary donations to help with recovery. During that time, the county was unable to process donations.
An organizational and kickoff meeting was held Monday night – Smith shared that a board would need to be put in place to ensure all the legal paperwork is completed for a 501(c)(3) status.
In the coming weeks, Smith is planning visits with the three city councils and Todd County Fiscal Court to get members from each jurisdiction to be a part of the board.
He added once the committee gets through the initial paperwork, he wants to get a permanent board in place that will consist of members of the faith-based community, business industry leaders, and first responders, among others.
Smith shared he hopes to reach that first phase by July 1st. Todd County Attorney Jeff Traughber said it was doable.