Todd County Judge-Executive Discusses 2024: Roads, Emergency Services And More

Todd County Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield says 2023 has been a pretty good year for the county.

Mansfield says the county stayed within the set budget and financially speaking, has done well. Approaching the budget’s halfway mark, he says all numbers look good. All in all, Mansfield says everything is moving along pretty well, but it would be nice to have additional funding to do more with the county’s roads in the coming year.

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Mansfield says one of the biggest complaints he receives is about road shoulders. He says when there is only so much money for paving, patching and repairing roads, it doesn’t leave much for shoulder work. He adds some shoulders have seen repairs, such as Miller Valley Road, and he hopes to be able to use some funds for future shoulder work in the next budget.

As the industry footprint grows in 2024, Mansfield says there will be growth in the county and there needs to be a better way of providing emergency services, whether it’s fire, rescue or ambulance. He adds with recent storms, it would also be nice to have a better warning system in place.

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Recently, Mansfield says broadband has been going out across the county and at this point, most Todd Countians are in one of three categories with broadband internet: available, being built, or in the plans.

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He adds something he is particularly proud of in 2023 is the money the county received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Todd County was given around $2.4 million in ARPA funds and he and the county were able to allocate a good portion of that toward broadband and water improvements.

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Throughout 2024, Mansfield looks forward to working toward trying to make Todd County a great place to live in every aspect.

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