It’s a process that has been in the making for a couple of years, but Todd County Judge/Executive Todd Mansfield officially introduced Todd County’s official flag Friday – that you will see across the county in 2024.
The flag was created by David Metzger, a student in Lorilee Thompson Rager’s class at Austin Peay State University. Rager is a Todd County native.
From the information provided by Metzger and Mansfield, the Todd County flag depicts an illustration of the Elkton’s center square courthouse that has stood strong since 1835.
Metzger said the flag is “a great representation of stout traditions and the great American way of life that has lived in Todd County since the founding year of 1820.” He added that “behind the courthouse is a field of navy blue to show the deep connection with the state of Kentucky – the Bluegrass state, and in remembrance of Col. John Todd that fell in the ‘Battle of Blue Licks’ defending America during the Revolution.”
The three golden stars placed atop the green wreath on the flag symbolize the three cities of Todd County, Elkton, Guthrie, and Trenton. Additionally, wrapped around the courthouse is a green wreath embodying the importance of the founding tradition of Agriculture in the county.
Todd County magistrates approved the county flag in December 2022.