Mullings…Todd County Retired Teachers’ Association Holds December

Nineteen members of the Todd County Retired Teachers’ Association held its December meeting at the Christian Fellowship Center at Elkton Baptist Church at East Main Street.

Those in attendance at the Christmas meeting included Teresa Chadwick, Arthur Green, Peg Coots, Ruth Bland, Wanda Nichols, Donna Nabb, Mildred Bellar, Jane Mallory, Judy Howle, Dana Orr, Charlotte Morrow, Frances Traughber, Regina Anderson, Connie Wofford, Jo Ann Holder, Arthur Green, Keith Dickinson, Donna Settle, and Carolyn Wells. Officers for the Association include Jo Ann Holder, president; Connie Wofford, vice president; Jean Odum, treasurer; and Carolyn Wells, secretary.

Following a Christmas meal catered by Billy Goat Hill of Elkton, those present enjoyed musical performances from students at both South Todd Elementary and TCCHS. Both choir groups were under the direction of Mrs. Erica Skipworth. Mrs. Skipworth shared students would also be offering a Christmas performance on Thursday night, December 14, at TCCHS. Retirees in attendance at the meeting provided 84 bags of donated items including hygiene items, school supplies, detergent, household items, blankets, food items, and other miscellaneous items that were donated to Petrie Memorial Methodist Church’s food pantry program as well as to the Youth Services Center at TCCHS.

Members also were provided general information about items occurring in the Kentucky legislature as well as items related to insurance, membership, the yearly grandparent essay contest, and the Association’s scholarship effort. Community projects the Association participates in include the members’ tally of volunteer hours as well as its school supplies and canned food items’ drive. The collection of school supplies as well as canned food items and other miscellaneous donated items resulted in 84 bags of items donated to Petrie Memorial Methodist Church’s food pantry as well as to the Youth Services Center at TCCHS. Following the meeting, those items were delivered to those two recipients.

Members also voted to contribute monies to the Kimbler Scholarship Fund as well as to the Bourgard Fund, two efforts promoting education past the secondary level. A thank you was also extended to the Todd County Fiscal Court for their proclamation honoring the Todd County Retired Teachers’ Association during the Retired Teachers’ Appreciation Week held earlier this year. Mrs. Holder also asked members to send in nominations for the Frank R. Hatfield Volunteer of the Year Award. This award, one at the state level, honors a Kentucky retired educator who makes an impact on his/her community.

Door prizes were awarded with those prizes provided by Jane Mallory, Ruth Bland, Darlene Groves, and Jo Ann Holder. The next regular meeting of the Association is slated for February 13, 2024, at the Guthrie Senior Citizens’ Center. Meeting time is 1:00 PM.

~ Article by Carolyn L. Wells

December 15, 2023

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