Frazier History Museum Shines Light On Music From Every County In Kentucky

The Frazier History Museum in Louisville, Kentucky started a project at the beginning of this year titled “Musical Kentucky: A Song From Each County.”

Museum Communications and Research Specialist Simon Meiners says Musical Kentucky is a playlist of 120 songs, one from each of Kentucky’s 120 counties.

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Todd County’s song, unveiled in November of this year, is “Best Mistake” by JamisonParker, released in 2005.

Todd’s entry reads:

“Jamison Covington grew up in Guthrie, Todd County, and worked at the Piggly Wiggly supermarket. In 2002, he moved to California, where he and Parker Case formed JamisonParker. Around 2003, Covington temporarily moved back to Kentucky, where he exchanged music tapes with Case via mail. In 2005, the emo duo released their first album.”

Musical Kentucky began as a personal project for Meiners through his Spotify account, expanding his musical horizons on the platform to include more Kentuckians. The songs span from 1910 all the way to 2023, and Meiners says there are songs in the playlist from 100 years ago about topics like heartache – something that is as relevant to people today as it was back then.

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At the moment, Musical Kentucky only exists on the museum’s website. However, it will soon become part of a bigger project, to be announced in January 2024, that shines light on stories from each of Kentucky’s counties.

The last 10 songs, from counties Trigg – Woodford will be released sometime in December of this year. The playlist can be viewed HERE.

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