Mullings… Todd County Continues To Amaze So Many! (w/PHOTOS)

Beth Mann, owner of WEKT and the one who switched on the Christmas tree lights on the south side of the Square on Saturday evening, said it beautifully, “The event was a perfect kickoff to the holiday season.”

Listening to one of the performers at the event, a former Todd Countian, Joyce Utley Zimmerman, who now makes her home in Hampden, Massachusetts, shared, “The beautiful voices make me homesick; I wish I could be there!” Another visitor to Elkton on Saturday also complimented the day’s events and the Square and Courthouse and shared she loved the atmosphere of the city though she really did not even know where she was. Several other statements on Facebook echoed sentiments that the “1st Annual Christmas Tree Lighting” in Elkton was an event that resembled scenes from a Hallmark movie.

Those who arrived earlier than the festivities that began at 3:00 PM were hosted by store owners and businesses where folks were able to partake of the many touches of being a small town where hospitality is commonplace. One couple formerly of California relocated almost two years ago in order to live closer to their family in Clarksville. However, because they wanted to avoid the traffic and hustle and bustle of Clarksville, they chose to make their home near Elkton, another true testament of the homelike ambiance so prevalent in our community and our beloved Todd County. Another couple with friends from Todd County shared a similar sentiment about the beauty that encircles the Courthouse as they toured businesses and spent some time in the Courthouse itself after first enjoying peach cobbler and ice cream at “L & R Soda Shop.” Again, like so many who visit here, their impressions of Elkton were so very complimentary.

We can also add the touch of having “homegrown” talent provide entertainment from 3:00 PM until 7:00 PM as small groups, individuals, school and church youth, and others shared their vocal talents to add to the atmosphere of the evening. Free carriage rides, free hot chocolate, free photos with Santa, and the “free” Christmas atmosphere were extra treasures to make the evening such a memorable experience for the many folks gathered around Todd County’s “Statue of Liberty.” Laura Brock, Elkton City-Clerk, messaged, “The Elkton tree lighting ceremony was truly a magical time for the city. We express our thanks to Assistant Clerk Kayce Bright for organizing such a remarkable event for the city.” She also expressed thanks to all who participated in the singing and for the assistance of so many who transformed the 1835 Courthouse and the Square into such a breathtaking site for such a memorable evening.

Others who assisted with the transformation of the Square included Leslie Rager, Cloie Rager, Laura Brock, Paisalie Case, Dottie Bell, Rita Dillingham, Anita McClain, Megan Haley, Dakota Shuck, Jill Gale, Charlotte Myers, Horizon Drone Solutions, Sami and Kyle DeBerry, Tiffany Groves, and Kayce Bright. Leslie also expressed thanks to Knuckles Insurance for loaning the lift allowing for decorations to be placed on the upper windows at the Courthouse. As true of so many events, thanks is extended to the City of Elkton employees and the Todd County Jail Crew for providing much needed labor as decorations were added around the Square. Those who walked around the Square were also in awe of the beautiful planters and decorations provided by Sandy Boss of Sandy Boss Landscaping. Volunteers also added those special touches to the landscape around the Courthouse itself. One of the most beautiful spots for photos is one on the side of “The Lucky Cowgirl” with the Elkton mural as a perfect location for selfies or group pics.

Those who converged on Clifty School Park on Sunday afternoon also saw many gathered for “Christmas in Clifty.” This yearly event saw a misty and cold afternoon filled with a live manger scene, hot chocolate and cookies, a community church choir, the reading of the Christmas story, the announcing of memorials for the Clifty School Park, and a tree lighting ceremony. Tiffany Wills Groves, Todd County Chamber of Commerce Director, who has lived several years in Clifty, added, “The love of so many for our community serves as a reminder of the true meaning of the holidays and the true meaning of giving of ourselves to others.”

Kayce Bright messaged, “Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on the incredible support our city poured into this Christmas event. The unwavering encouragement and enthusiasm from the community helped transform my vision of the event into a vibrant reality.” She also added, “With immense pride, I celebrate the success of our 1st Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The joyous glow of the lights mirrored the warmth of our community coming together. Here’s to the magic of firsts and the promise of many more shared moments that make our City of Elkton shine brightly. I am truly grateful for all who made this event unforgettable.”

Yes, some folks sometimes question what is so unique about Elkton and Todd County, and anyone who responds to that question will immediately comment on the many special moments that occur regularly throughout Todd County. Obviously, other events could be added including West Side Church of Christ’s providing 222 meals to folks on Thanksgiving Day as well as Clifty church and community members providing 162 Thanksgiving meals in recent weeks. Add to that the many other acts of kindness extended continually, and we can easily understand why Todd County resembles a Hallmark town comparison.

~ Article by Carolyn L. Wells

November 26, 2023

PHOTOS – Elkton’s First Annual Tree Lighting\

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