Todd County Central High School Veteran’s Day Program Successful

Todd County Central High School held a Veteran’s Day breakfast and program for the community the morning of Friday, Nov. 10.

The hour-long program featured a few guest speakers, including Sgt. First Class Brandon Tedford.

Tedford, also a National Guard recruiter for Todd Central, says he hopes the students in attendance will see the importance of the country’s veterans.

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Tedford began his military career right out of high school.

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Principal Lee Quarles says there was a pretty good turnout of veterans at this year’s event.

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Both Quarles and Assistant Principal Alex Carrington come from veteran families. Carrington says it’s important to her to celebrate veterans on Veteran’s Day, something she did not experience when she was in school.

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Quarles adds a lot of people at Todd Central had a hand in making the event happen.

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During the program, student Nakeya Smith gave a speech about Flander’s Battlefield and Col. John McCrae. With her uncle active in the military, she says it was very special to her to recognize someone who fought so hard for her country.

Wade Morris, another student, helped welcome veterans in for the breakfast. He says the event surpassed his expectations and was glad to see all the people inside the school to honor our veterans.

PHOTOS – TCCHS Veteran’s Day Program

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