Martha “Deanie” Powell is a 1978 graduate of Todd County Central High School.
After graduating, she attended Hopkinsville Community College to earn her associate’s degree, Murray State University for a bachelor’s in elementary education and the University of the Cumberlands for a master’s in elementary education. She is also a literary specialist.
Powell says that farming as a child taught her the meaning of hard work and established a strong work ethic, as well as the roots of her family farm. She adds education is her life, built on her love of reading as a child and her calling to educate others. Powell says she had some fabulous teachers who instilled in her the love of learning and excitement of being a lifelong learner.
She values most from Todd Central the life-long friendships she made. She says her memories and experiences off the farm are what she treasures most about her time in high school – she found a different world there.
She says her most memorable experiences at the school are of typing class with Mrs. Mallory, writing with Miss Wells, poetry with Ms. Bradshaw, working in the cafeteria under Mrs. Miller and history with Mrs. Coursey. She says she’s always enjoyed school, although the pep rallies were a lot of fun as well.
Another memory she treasures is having a poem of hers published in the Rebel Rouser. She adds graduation night was also special, and she still has the ID bracelet her friend and classmate Phyllis gave her.
To current students, Powell says to make goals, both little and lofty ones, lay out the steps to meet them and work toward them – no excuses, just progress. However, don’t forget to have some fun, because it goes by all too quickly. To current educators, the same advice – and don’t forget to set aside some “me time”.
Powell lives in Elkton, Kentucky and has four children, Crystal Sisco, David Sisco, Travis Powell, Katy Powell.
Spotlights on Todd Central alumni are part of a partnership between WEKT and the TCCHS Alumni Foundation, Inc. To be featured, please visit the Alumni Foundation’s website to fill out the application.